Wednesday, August 19, 2009

File Of Necessity To Amali 1 : C5352

1. Malaysia mapinfo projection file (*.prj)

2. User manual to replace (*.prj) file (Video Format)
a. First please download the *.prj file
b. Replace the file above like this video
c. Click yes after replacing file
d. To verify, open mapinfo software and try open the projection file
e. if successful the malaysia projection can see and select
f. Done

3. Raster Image (PA file)

4. How to digitize the raster map using mapinfo (Video format)


  1. kemah demo mat. ni baru yo lo jadi pensyarah. buat blog utk student2 demo timba pengalaman. ni dok kebanyakkan pensyarah sibuk dok cari projek luar. ko gano mat?

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